email: ab7cq@ebidpal.com

Tombstone, AZ 85638

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AB7CQ Repeaters


Are The AB7CQ Repeaters Open, Closed, Or Private?


I want clear up some misinformation regarding the AB7CQ repeaters. The AB7CQ repeaters and all features of the systems are open and available to all licensed amateur radio operators as is with the majority of amateur radio repeaters. I have been providing open repeater service for 43 years. I can't speak for GMRS, I can only speak for amateur radio repeaters.


For some unknown reason, there are those that still believe, or think, that just because an individual repeater owner establishes a repeater which is not associated with a club organization, that such repeaters are private (closed)and not open to all amateur radio operators, this is patently incorrect.


Some hams have choose to establish repeaters at their own expense to make repeater service available in communities, or areas that don't have access to a local system. We do this to share the repeater resources with all licensed amateur radio operators. Some of us just enjoy building the hardware to make it all work for others enjoyment.


Most, including myself, do not require dues, you do not need to be a member, you're free to use all the repeater resources, and you do not have to fill out a lengthy application full of rules, however, you must abide by the FCC rules and regulations as required by your amateur radio license.


There may be times when one or both repeaters may be offline for maintenance, just because the system may not be accessible for a short period of time is not an indication that the repeaters are permanently out of service.


So enjoy the systems, that's what they’re here for. 


Bob Krueger, AB7CQ

Web Administrator

RPTR 1: 146.920/146.320 PL 123.0 (WIRES-X Room 28187)

RPTR 2: 444.600 / 449.600 PL 100  (LAN Linked)

Simplex IRLP Node: 7515 PL114.8 (146.540)

Email: ab7cqradio@ebidpal.com


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